NOTE: (4/24/2015) Minor corrections and edits were made this AM...
This is the followup to the previous article here that presented scientifically verifiable proof of prophecy and more stunning proof that I am indeed the prophet Elijah and consequently, I have already returned.
If you haven't done so already, please read the previous article titled "Double unto them Double" first to understand the references used throughout part two.
In this followup, I'll remind you of the assertion that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Notice again that my book was published in 2010 and that was 5 years ago, also matching the five stars in image 17 on the front cover. It was also three years before Pope Francis was selected, yet details about him, his timing as Pope, and evidence of their use of ancient magical techniques (aka "black" magic) are verifiably encoded on the front cover. I have also patiently allowed events to transpire past the times encoded so that the pattern of bizarre violent events and situations of recent years would serve as proof of both the motives and the mystical techniques repeatedly used in the planning and execution.
As the previous article made clear, I have caught the Vatican and cohorts in trap set a very long time ago. It also delivers redundantly verifiable proof of prophecy so you know who I am to better understand the truth of what has transpired in recent years, as well as across the past two millennia. As before, take the time to understand the import of what I present in this article. It shines a bright light on some ancient "symbolic date math" that can be traced back directly to the magicians of ancient Babylon. Now we have proof of its extensive use by the Vatican in its desperate gambit to defeat me and prevent the outcome of the Hebrew prophecies. Once again, these are the people that preach Jesus, Christianity, and the Bible to their followers, yet now you have more solid proof of what they do in the shadows. This further proves they have always known that these religions were blatant deceptions and yet they are vital to their magical techniques. Their actions in recent years leaves no further room for doubts about this.
We have already covered the undeniable facts that the timing of my books and prophecies and the imagery on the front cover of Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols have provided redundant and scientifically verifiable proof of prophecy. Furthermore, it is also more solid proof of the true meaning and purpose of the symbology used by all the true Hebrew prophets to construct their symbolic prophecies, as well as proof of the timelines purposefully encoded therein. Now we'll look at more data proving why my opponents thought this was such an auspicious time to use the symbolic details discussed to date and expounded upon further herein, including electing a new Pope at a very special time and based on techniques that prove they are knowingly lying about everything they have ever claimed.
The three images used on the front cover are from a genre of such images called illuminated vaticinia (illustrated prophecies). Various versions and renditions of a basic set of images encoding prophecies and other symbolized details were created over several centuries, starting in the 12th. The originals were created by the person we know as St. Malachy, the author of the much better known "Prophecy of the Popes" listing that gives symbolic descriptions of each Pope, until the predicted end of the Papacy. Some of those renditions were created for the purpose of passing on vital wisdom to seekers. Others were created by those striving to hide the meaning of the symbolism used (kings and religious leaders…).
According to the Prophecy of the Popes listing, Pope Francis is 112 (notice the symbolic double number) on the list and is thereby predicted to be the final Pope. Likewise, image 17 on the front cover of my book purposely encodes this time and other key details associated with Pope Francis and currently unfolding situations. Other prophecies with encoded times also point to the period shortly after the start of the current zodiac age (Aquarius) which are also the early years of 17th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar, symbolized as both the 7th star and 7th angel in Revelation. Notice that both verses below present similar math and complimentary messages. Both verses sum to 17 (1+16=17 and 10+7=17) and both also sum to 8 (1+1+6=8 and 1+0+7=8) matching the symbolic value of 2015, early in the 17th cycle.
Revelation 1:16
And he had within his right hand, seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shining within his strength.
Revelation 10:7
But within the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as She has declared to Her servants the prophets.
Notice above that the 7th angel is the same as the 7th star, and both symbolize the 17th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar as demonstrated in great detail in recent years. So, when it says, "within the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound," it means during the early years of the 17th cycle. This tight coordination and agreement amongst the Hebrew prophecies predicting the end of the Vatican's and cohorts' power and wealth, after their deceptions are exposed by me (aka Apocalypse...), has them all in abject panic mode.
The three images I used on the front cover are from a special manuscript containing versions of these images produced by Michele Nostradamus and his son before his death in 1566. One reason for using these selected images on my front cover is to finally prove the nature and accuracy of the details encoded while also proving the validity of this specific set of prophetic images and its relationships to others. The use of stars in these images follows the same symbolic rules as those in all of the Hebrew prophecies and within the Great Seal of the USA. Furthermore, they purposely encode and incorporate details from the other prophecies of Nostradamus, the Book of Revelation, and from the Hebrew prophecies in the so-called Old Testament. Among those are Isaiah 11 and Malachi 4 shown earlier (not to be confused with the much later "St. Malachy" from Europe) and its prediction of the return of the Prophet Elijah, at a very special time.
As the previous article explored, the timelines encoded by these centuries-old images use the same ancient star-time code used throughout Revelation and elsewhere. It is described in great detail throughout my books and previous articles. Star symbolism can be used to present both long-term timelines (cycles) and shorter term data encoding the conditions that tell us when key milestones and concluding events and situations will occur. One of those sets of conditions are a series of symbolic periods occurring with two months per year when the date math meets very special conditions. Let's first take a closer look at plate 18 from the Vaticinia Nostradamus manuscript, that is also the lower left of the three images on my book cover.
Illuminating the 9 Stars Symbolism
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Plate 18 - Vaticinia Nostradamus |
Revelation 17:18
And the woman which you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.
Next, notice that if you drop the 1 as shown in the previous article, you are left with the same 7 and 8 combination as discussed earlier that sums to 15 and points to the year 2015. It also points to Pope Francis following his December 17th, 2014 birthday, with both his age (78) and the number 17, just as image 17 does. Remember, the purpose of this prophecy and image is not to focus solely on this Pope but to use him, his antics, and timing as a redundantly verifiable time code to expose the Vatican and cohorts. He is a symbol for the entire organization since he is its head at this very special time.
Next, there are nine stars encircled by the dragon's tail. As with the other such uses, these encode both long term and short term details and other closely related references and long hidden wisdom. First, the primary meaning of stars, as used in the Hebrew prophecies, is to symbolize 360-year cycles on the Hebrew calendar, but they are also used to symbolize both shorter and longer cycles, including full 2160-year ages, as already explained in detail elsewhere. Thereby, here we have the dragon's tail encircling 9 stars which represent 9 cycles within its control. Tails symbolize followers and adherents, aka those in their wake. It is also referring to the fact that the symbolism within the Great Seal of the USA, which harkens back to the Hebrew prophets and ancient Egypt, has also been controlled by followers of the "dragon" during the nine 360-year cycles represented, but especially now during the 17th cycle.
We are currently in the 15th year of the 17th 360-year cycle and Christianity has been around for less than six 360-year cycles. Though its seeds were sown during the 11th cycle (Second Temple Period), it was later than claimed by religious leaders. Hence, this points back further to the transition between the 7th and 8th cycles (see page 1 of chapter 8 for the cycles chart). Again, notice the 7 and 8 number combination this purposefully encodes. There are three valid ways to view the timeline encoded by this symbolism. One is to look strictly at the math and count back 9x360 (5775-3240=2535) years from 5775 and it puts you into the beginning years of the 8th 360 year cycle. Another is to count back from the start of the 17th cycle in 5761, which then puts us at the end of the 7th cycle.
The other method is to view this is a representation of all the cycles the represented timeline touches. Hence, the count includes the 17th, even though we are only 15 years into it, instead of merely subtracting 9 to get 8. Thus, counting from 17 inclusive, the 9 cycles represented takes us back into the 9th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar. This is the time of the captivity within ancient Babylon and the resulting cultural, religious, philosophical, and mystical influences that were passed into the present day three Faiths of Abraham as the direct result. It is also the source of the dragon symbolism used here and throughout the Book of Revelation, which is directly related to the beast symbolism in the books of Revelation and Daniel.
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Ishtar Gate Dragon from ancient Babylon |
2:31 ¶ You, O king, saw, and beheld a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before you; and the form thereof was terrible.
2:32 This image’s head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,
2:33 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay.
2:34 You saw till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
2:35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.
Zechariah 3:9
For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, said the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.
It then states repeatedly (in Daniel, Revelation, and elsewhere) that the Roman Empire would persist until the time of the end (now…), in large part because it changed its outer appearance using the facade of Christianity (wolves in sheep's clothing). This has allowed them to secretly forge a mysterious global empire in our time, using the nations they manipulate as their proxies in this effort. In fact, that is the primary focus of what has been encoded throughout the Book of Revelation and later by Nostradamus.
It is important to understand that the Book of Daniel is set during the period of captivity in Babylon and talks about and sets the stage for things that would occur after the captivity, through the destruction of the second temple, and then forward two millennia into our time. As always, these symbolic stories use settings and situations from the past as the framework for encoded prophecies about the future, just as do the images on my book cover. The stone is referring directly to the upper half of the Doctrine of Two Spirits, aka the two tables of stone. Also, stone is one of the key symbols for inscribed (encoded) ancient wisdom. This harkens back to the monuments of Egypt and elsewhere and to the story of AmenMoses and two tables of stone.
The 7th and 8th cycles were the timeframe in history when AmenMoses actually lived and the events symbolized in the Exodus actually occurred, but not on the short timescale or in the literal manner long asserted by religious leaders. Then, throughout the 8th and 9th cycles is when the Egyptian based wisdom AmenMoses left was gradually adulterated by the influences of mysticism and magic long associated with Babylonia and region, but especially the scholars, priests, and astrologers of Chaldea. This influence is seen throughout Hebrew-Jewish history and the departures from wisdom to instead relying upon religion, mysticism, and magic is part of what was alluded to within the story of the tower of Babel. It is important to grasp that both those using and seeking ancient wisdom and those leaning more towards religion, mysticism, and magic rely on some of the same key numeric and date symbolism. To the uninformed (most people) both uses may appear to be the same thing, but they are for starkly different purposes and seeking completely opposite outcomes.
Grasping the Hidden Focal Point of the 9 Stars Symbolism
In this next discussion we'll again delve into symbolic date math that sits on the border between encoded symbolic wisdom and that of mysticism and magic. As has been on full display in recent years, both I and my opponents use date and number symbolism, but for opposing reasons. I am an ancient prophet focused on delivering wisdom (unlike the idiocy and idiots spawned by religion…) and they fancy themselves as wizards and magicians. Contemplate the similar standoff presented in the Exodus between AmenMoses and the Pharaoh's magicians and how similar techniques were used by both sides. I use ancient symbology for the wisdom it encodes and my opponents arrogantly use it for the power they think it gives them over others, the fabric of reality, and future outcomes. I am striving to free people from ages old deceptions and they are desperately trying to prevent people from ever learning the truth and escaping the ages old traps used to control and manipulate the masses.
With that said, let's look at how image 18 also encodes the hidden keys for the date math of the "symbolic periods" I have been discussing. These are vitally important for evidence of how the Vatican and cohorts have used them and as solid proof of their deceptions, true motives, and methods of operation behind closed doors. As I have already demonstrated repeatedly, they put a great deal of importance and effort towards mapping out the flow of symbolic dates, birth dates, and other details and then go to great lengths using that data to plan and implement important actions including the selection of people for various jobs and projects based on number and date symbolism and related mysticism such as numerology and astrology. Once again, the hypocrisy is stunning because they tortured and burned scores of people across the centuries accused of using these types of methods. Here is also more proof that the Inquisition was used to extract information for their own use, with religion serving as a facade to hide their true motives and hidden activities.
As shown in earlier articles, my opponents are also using methods like sympathetic magic on a grand scale and in direct conjunction with violent newsworthy events, as well as the efforts to harass and target me locally. These efforts and events are repeatedly coordinated using the techniques I have been demonstrating. In other words, while preaching about Jesus and the New Testament, the Vatican and its priesthood are secretly and deeply immersed in mysticism, and have been caught redhanded repeatedly using what can only be described as black magic, which they and cohorts repeatedly use to frame blatantly evil actions designed to spread fear and chaos. Before speaking any more about the more bizarre and blatantly evil activities I have been exposing in recent years, it is important to first understand why certain actions and events were planned for the times they transpired to better clarify motives, and set the stage for what comes next.
The simple hidden key that unlocks the date math of these symbolic periods during certain months in certain years is the number 9, matching the 9 stars in the dragon's tail in image 18 (2x9 and 6+6+6). For the special conditions to occur that lead to one or two such months during certain years having the date math shown earlier is that the digits of both the year and month must sum to 9. For example, in 2013 when Pope Francis was selected, notice that the digits of the year (2+0+1+3) sum to 6. Thereby, only month 3 or a month with digits that sum to 3 will give us a month and year combination that sums to 9. Hence, in 2013 the two months were March (3) and December (12,(1+2=3)). In 2014, since the year sums to 7, the two months must be month 2, February, and another that sums to 2. Since November is month 11 and 1+1 equals 2, the two months that year are February and November. Then, this year the digits of 2015 sum to 8 so one month is month 1 (January) while the other is month 10 (October) because 1+0 equals 1.
The other curiously unique factor is that in the years where two such months occur, they are always 9 months apart. In 2013, March is month 3 and December is month 12, in 2014 it is months 2 and 11, and in 2015 it is months 1 and 10. Thereby, in those years where the digits of two months plus the digits of the year sum to 9, both of those months are always 9 months apart. Notice how image number 18 alludes to the doubled (redundant) 9's, as does the dragon's tail. So, as you can see, another meaning for "doubled" refers to the redundancy used to validate an assertion or result, just as this date math keeps producing.
Once again, in the years where the digits of the month and year together sum to 9, we get a unique condition where the literal value of the dates from the 10th to 19th equal the symbolic value derived from the sum of all that date's digits. Hence, on March 13th, 2013, the date of Pope Francis' selection, that date's digits (3+1+3+2+0+1+3) also summed to 13. In the same way, all the digits of 1/11/2015 sum to 11.
Until now I focused merely on the symbolic date math occurring from the 10th to the 19th on those special months during certain years. In actuality, these entire months present unique date math throughout and have thereby served as an irresistible lure in the early years of the 17th cycle to those using "black magic" and related techniques on the world stage to oppose me. Matching the three images, three stars, and three candlesticks, each of these special months is also divided into three parts by the unique date math and symbolic significance they represent, especially during this very crucial time.
Revelation 16:19 (reconstructed)
And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came within remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of God’s wrath.
Revelation 17:18
And the woman which you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.
Once again, nothing above is wholly literal. The great city is the same as that in verse 17:18 but it does not refer only to literal physical cities and nations but instead to large persistent groups with similar mindsets, like religions. More on this symbolism in future discussions.
Let's look at the math associated with the days before and following the 10th to the 19th of these months. On the 1st through the 9th, the value gained from the sum of the date's digits is between 10 on the 1st day of the month and 18 on the 9th. Hence, the digits of 1/1/2015 and 3/1/2013 both sum to 10 and 1/9/2015 and 3/9/2013 both sum to 18. Now notice that when you take those two digits' values and sum them, the resulting value also matches the literal value of that date. Hence, on the 1st the digits sum to 10 and 1+0 sums (reduces) to 1, matching the literal value for that day. It is the same for each day through the 9th, which sums to 18 and 1+8=9, matching the literal day number.
The difference between the symbolic date math occurring during the 10th to the 19th of those months and that during the days before and after is that the literal and symbolic values match with only one step (summing all the digits of the date) during those 10 days. On the other hand, it requires another step on the value from the sum of all the date's digits on the 1st through 9th, as shown in the previous paragraph. Then notice though that both values (symbolic value gained from summing the date's digits and the literal numeric value for the day) contain two digits, which can be summed to give a single digit number. Thereby, on the 13th when all the digits also summed to 13, the two digits of 13 can be reduced further to a single digit by summing them, since 1+3=4. Even so they still remain equal with both a single and secondary step. But on the 19th this requires another step because it sums to 10, which then reduces to 1 (1+0).
So, within each of these symbolic months, pay close attention that the first 19 days produce a symbolic value equal to the literal value for that day, but on days 1 through 9 the math takes one extra step to reach that value, in part because 1 through 9 are themselves only one digit. The number 19 is also a curious topic that I'll delve into in a future article since it is considered the magic number of Islam and the Quran. As I have shown earlier, Islam shows all the evidence of being created as a grand exercise in magic by agents of the Roman empire that was designed to both subdue and demonize certain people, while providing a ready made opponent for Christians and Jews. Contemplate Machiavelli on a grand scale.
The third part of each of these months presents different date math. On days 20 and afterwards, notice that the value derived from the smallest sum of all of its digits also equals the sum of the literal days value. For example, on 1/20/2015 all the digits (1+2+0+2+0+1+5) sum to 11 and then 1+1 sums to 2. Notice also that the date is the 20th and so 2+0 also sums to 2. Similarly, all the digits of 1/28/2015 sum to 19 and 1+9=10. Since the date is the 28th then 2+8 also sums to 10. Also, notice that 10 sums/reduces to 1. So, on those remaining days, the literal values don't match the symbolic ones, but the symbolic values of the day numbers all match the symbolic values derived from the sum of all of that date's digits, producing yet another series of symbolically "doubled" dates, but requiring additional steps to get to the smallest values.
The date math shown above and discussed in earlier articles only occurs in some years in this century and stretches out to the year 2060 before it peters out again until the next century. It occurs from 2000-2008, with only 2004-2006 containing double months; then 2010-2015 with 2013-2015 containing double months; again in 2020 to 2024 with 2022-2024 containing dual months. Notice that each stretch of years with two symbolic months lasts three years. Each year's digits must sum to 6, 7, or 8. So 2031-2033 and 2040-2042 also fall into this range. But notice that 2050 sums to 7 leaving only 2050 and 2051 in that decade and the last such year for this century is 2060 with only a single year in that decade. 2061 sums to 9 and the sum of the years digits must be between 6 and 8 for the math to work. So, in this century, the last decade with three such years, each with dual months, is 2040-2042.
The years 2006, 2015, 2024, 2033, 2042, 2051, and 2060 all share the same symbolic date math since each year's digits sum to 8. Consequently, adding the digits of months 1 and 10 (January and October) sums to 9 when added to the years' sum of 8. Also, now take a look at those years listed to see that they are also 9 years apart. In the decades when three consecutive years meet the right conditions, there are nine years between the years that sum to 6,7, or 8 as is required to setup the date math conditions. Thereby 2004, 2013, 2022, 2031, and 2040 all sum to six and are 9 years apart, as are the years that each sum to 7 and those that sum to 8 as shown above. In each 3 year period there are dual (double) months each year, producing a group of six such periods across those years. So, as you can see, for people obsessed with magic and numerology and desperate to use all the tools in their hard won mystical tool kit against me, like those in the Vatican and their cohorts and cronies, this confluence of threes, nines and other symbolic date conditions was simply too much to resist. Consequently, as I have repeatedly demonstrated, arrogance makes you stupid and they have jumped headlong into a trap set for them a very long time ago.
By the way, also notice that the digits of 2060 sum to 8 just as do those of 2006 and 2015, so each presents the same hidden symbolic date math within the same months. 2005-2006 is also the year I self-published my first books and the associated three prophecies. It was also the time of hurricanes Katrina and Rita and that especially active year. The year before was 2004 and also a busy hurricane year in the USA and the year of the Indian Ocean tsunami on 12/26/2004. Notice how 12/26 sums to 11 and 12/26/2004 sums to 17? More on this in future articles.
For those who have paid attention to such things, notice that 2060 is the date presented by Sir Isaac Newton in his work with symbology, Revelation, and the Hebrew prophecies. Now you have some insights into a key piece of hidden ancient knowledge that influenced his calculations and resulting assertions. You should also assume that he knew more than the assertion about 2060 might lead one to conclude. Anyone with access to such details would have been schooled in security, encryption, and subtle misdirection to hide something of vital importance.
What does it all mean?
To most people this may all seem too obscure and inconsequential to matter much, but to those steeped in using such magic and mysticism to plan events and choose people (like Popes…) based on birth dates, ages, and other numerical details, this unique window of doubly symbolic dates was a lure they simply could not resist. As you can see, this knowledge goes beyond mere astrology to using a mixture of what can only be described as "black magic" and various technologies and insights to manipulate people on a grand scale to affect the flow of future events by manipulating the fabric of reality.
Keep in mind that this has been so vitally important to the Vatican and cohorts efforts against me that they arranged the transition from Benedict to Francis to occur so they could take full advantage of the first of these symbolic periods within the first of three successive years from March of 2013 through 2015, during which they fully expected they had the most to fear from my efforts to expose the truth about them, both now and throughout the previous two millennia.
For a little more insight here, it is important to grasp that there is more to our reality than it may seem to the casual observer or even to many scientists. It has been known in certain circles for many millennia that a hidden zone exists beyond (before…) what we know as space-time and the physical universe. This zone has long been associated with the spiritual, with gods, ghosts, demons, and other beings. This is in part because of a failure to understand the meaning of ancient symbolized wisdom. In recent years, quantum physics and the math of string theory have also shown there are seven hidden dimensions that precede and define the four dimensions of space-time. At the barrier between our existence in the four dimensions of space-time and these hidden seven dimensions, science has validated the odd behaviors of forces and things at the quantum level. These unexpected and odd behaviors are directly related to the fact that our reality arises from thought and is ultimately controlled by thought at those levels of existence.
Another key insight into our reality is that things manifest in present time following various discernible patterns, both in the flows of events through time to the structure of energy and matter and their interactions within space-time. One of the ancient and advanced methods of modeling common patterns including universal principles is with the symbology of ancient wisdom. Similarly, the patterns that underlie this reality have also been referred to as a symbolic level that lies between the raw patterns within the hidden seven dimensions and our literal perceptions of objects and other things within space time. Efforts to use these insights (along with others) over the millennia have resulted in endeavors like magic, astrology, and various forms of divination. As science has progressed into the realms of the unknown, some have used those insights to fine-tune their magical arts and crafts, instead of leaving them in the past.
The date math I showed and similar techniques have a very ancient pedigree. As the Hebrew prophets have made clear, what began in ancient Babylonia and region, including their magical and mystical toolkit, would be subsumed into the power structure of each subsequent conquering empire. Then the remnants of the Roman empire would persist into our time and eventually rule the planet from the shadows. As you now have redundant evidence of, these ancient techniques are still in use by the Vatican and cohorts. They have valued them so highly that all the planning for the final years, including the well-orchestrated and perfectly selection of Pope Francis, were based upon it as they struggled to defeat the long-expected Moshiah, aka the prophet Elijah. The evidence has been encoded in the symbology of prophecies, and especially that of Revelation and Nostradamus.
As I have repeatedly shown, these centuries old images contain unexpectedly precise details about current situations, including details that point to the current Pope including his birthdate and age, who just happens to be number 112 and the last Pope on St. Malachy's listing. Furthermore, encoded in images 17 and 18 are proof of the correct target time frame, and key details about the actions of this Pope and Vatican during that time.
Just as important is solid proof of the magical and mystical techniques they have been employing, while pretending to believe in Jesus. It is important to point out again that Pope Benedict's "retirement" and Pope Francis' quick and well-timed selection were all orchestrated well ahead of time to take advantage of these symbolic conditions. Besides selecting him based on the symbolism of his birthdate and age they also took full advantage of what they concluded was the most auspicious timing possible for one of the most important of Popes. They hoped they could use him to forestall their end as predicted by the prophets and prophecies they have lied about to gain wealth and power for the past two millennia.
These details were also viewed as so important by the Hebrew prophets that they ensured redundant evidence would be available in our time to expose what the Vatican has been up to during this Pope's time in office. A trap was set across the centuries for that those who would rely on certain ancient "black magic" techniques to oppose me, at this very special time in human affairs. They are now deeply ensnared and thereby exposed to the world for what they have been doing in recent years in their desperate gambit to defeat the truth and prevent the promised outcome in the Hebrew prophecies.
There has been a large measure of "warding off bad luck" and using number and date symbolism in ways designed to increase the potential success of whatever is associated with it (lucky numbers). They greatly fear the unfolding of the prophecies about them and have been desperate to protect themselves from exposure of the truth. As you can see, they chose "dark magic" to defend against someone exposing the truth about them, instead of "Jesus". That is why Pope Francis was selected on the 13th, because as I have discussed before, the folks in the Vatican fear the bad luck and retribution associated with 13 and symbology in general, and by wrapping themselves in the symbolism they fear, they hope to make it their own and thereby shield themselves from the "bad karma" they have created. This clearly exposes they have relied far more on magic and mystical techniques, deception, and other blatant evil, proving they have no faith in "Jesus" or religion except as the tools long used to dupe and manipulate the masses to gain the authority to forge and maintain empires and generate vast wealth.
Bel and the Dragon
1:1 When King Astyages was laid with his fathers, Cyrus the Persian received his kingdom.
1:2 And Daniel was a companion of the king, and was the most honored of his friends.
1:3 Now the Babylonians had an idol called Bel, and every day they spent on it twelve bushels of fine flour and forty sheep and fifty gallons of wine.
1:4 The king revered it and went every day to worship it. But Daniel worshiped his own God.
1:5 And the king said to him, "Why do you not worship Bel?" He answered, "Because I do not revere man-made idols, but the living God, who created heaven and earth and has dominion over all flesh."
1:6 The king said to him, "Do you not think that Bel is a living God? Do you not see how much he eats and drinks every day?"
1:7 Then Daniel laughed, and said, "Do not be deceived, O king; for this is but clay inside and brass outside, and it never ate or drank anything."
1:8 Then the king was angry, and he called his priests and said to them, "If you do not tell me who is eating these provisions, you shall die.
1:9 But if you prove that Bel is eating them, Daniel shall die, because he blasphemed against Bel." And Daniel said to the king, "Let it be done as you have said."
1:10 Now there were seventy priests of Bel, besides their wives and children. And the king went with Daniel into the temple of Bel.
1:11 And the priests of Bel said, "Behold, we are going outside; you yourself, O king, shall set forth the food and mix and place the wine, and shut the door and seal it with your signet.
1:12 And when you return in the morning, if you do not find that Bel has eaten it all, we will die; or else Daniel will, who is telling lies about us."
1:13 They were unconcerned, for beneath the table they had made a hidden entrance, through which they used to go in regularly and consume the provisions.
1:14 When they had gone out, the king set forth the food for Bel. Then Daniel ordered his servants to bring ashes and they sifted them throughout the whole temple in the presence of the king alone. Then they went out, shut the door and sealed it with the king's signet, and departed.
1:15 In the night the priests came with their wives and children, as they were accustomed to do, and ate and drank everything.
1:16 Early in the morning the king rose and came, and Daniel with him.
1:17 And the king said, "Are the seals unbroken, Daniel?" He answered, "They are unbroken, O king."
1:18 As soon as the doors were opened, the king looked at the table, and shouted in a loud voice, "You are great, O Bel; and with you there is no deceit, none at all."
1:19 Then Daniel laughed, and restrained the king from going in, and said, "Look at the floor, and notice whose footsteps these are."
1:20 The king said, "I see the footsteps of men and women and children."
1:21 Then the king was enraged, and he seized the priests and their wives and children; and they showed him the secret doors through which they were accustomed to enter and devour what was on the table.
1:22 Therefore the king put them to death, and gave Bel over to Daniel, who destroyed it and its temple.
1:23 There was also a great dragon, which the Babylonians revered.
1:24 And the king said to Daniel, "You cannot deny that this is a living god; so worship him."
1:25 Daniel said, "I will worship the Lord my God, for he is the living God.
1:26 But if you, O king, will give me permission, I will slay the dragon without sword or club." The king said, "I give you permission."
1:27 Then Daniel took pitch, fat, and hair, and boiled them together and made cakes, which he fed to the dragon. The dragon ate them, and burst open. And Daniel said, "See what you have been worshiping!"
1:28 When the Babylonians heard it, they were very indignant and conspired against the king, saying, "The king has become a Jew; he has destroyed Bel, and slain the dragon, and slaughtered the priests."
1:29 Going to the king, they said, "Hand Daniel over to us, or else we will kill you and your household."
1:30 The king saw that they were pressing him hard, and under compulsion he handed Daniel over to them.
1:31 They threw Daniel into the lions' den, and he was there for six days.
1:32 There were seven lions in the den, and every day they had been given two human bodies and two sheep; but these were not given to them now, so that they might devour Daniel.
1:33 Now the prophet Habakkuk was in Judea. He had boiled pottage and had broken bread into a bowl, and was going into the field to take it to the reapers.
1:34 But the angel of the Lord said to Habakkuk, "Take the dinner which you have to Babylon, to Daniel, in the lions' den."
1:35 Habakkuk said, "Sir, I have never seen Babylon, and I know nothing about the den."
1:36 Then the angel of the Lord took him by the crown of his head, and lifted him by his hair and set him down in Babylon, right over the den, with the rushing sound of the wind itself.
1:37 Then Habakkuk shouted, "Daniel, Daniel! Take the dinner which God has sent you."
1:38 And Daniel said, "Thou hast remembered me, O God, and hast not forsaken those who love thee."
1:39 So Daniel arose and ate. And the angel of God immediately returned Habakkuk to his own place.
1:40 On the seventh day the king came to mourn for Daniel. When he came to the den he looked in, and there sat Daniel.
1:41 And the king shouted with a loud voice, "Thou art great, O Lord God of Daniel, and there is no other besides thee."
1:42 And he pulled Daniel out, and threw into the den the men who had attempted his destruction, and they were devoured immediately before his eyes.